Making the world a little bit better!
  • helped 100+ Scientists
    for health and medical researches.
  • helped5,000+ Immigrants
    to get their green cards.
  • helped10,000+ Parents
    to better accompany their kids.
  • helped100,000+ App Users
    to make their life more convenient and happier.
  • Platform & Software

    Free Download or Use for Public.

    Los Angeles Covid-19 Map

    A website providing latest Covid-19 case in each city of Los Angeles County.

    Green Card Test

    A website providing free evaluation for US green card and teaching you how to get green card.

    Neighbor Help Neighbor

    An efficient online neighbor watching system to increase community security.


    A platform sharing educational parenting games ideas for better childhood accompany.

    Sleep on Train

    An App helping you to have a good sleep on train, waking you at your station.

    分身术 - Clonology

    An App teaching you clonolgy and making your life more funny.

    Reading with Me

    A New Way to Teach Kids Reading with parent's accompany.

    MRU Cluster

    A free software to help doctor to better diagnose with kids' urinary system problems.

    Cell Pie

    A free software to help scientist and doctor better evaluate cancer treatment.

    Fat Extractor

    A free software to help scientists and doctors for diabetes and overweight problems.


    An free App for better share pray and event information for Church.

    Wedgeworth Parents

    A platform for info sharing and mutual helps between Parents and Teachers.

    Contact Me

    BaoBao, a long time computer science learner, from colleage to Ph.D, used to be a computer scientist in University of Southern California, currently a public worker based on Los Angeles.
    Want to leave more valuable stuff before leaving the world, willing to join and help any project making the world better.